The first phase of The Cancer Center at Valley Medical Center is now open! 
Learn more about the services offered in the new space.

Board Nomination Process

Public Hospital District No. 1 invites nominees for community trustee positions on the Valley Medical Center (VMC) Board of Trustees. 

Anyone may submit a nomination. There are a total of five appointed community trustees, three are required to live within the District boundaries and two must live within the District Service Area. The district map shows the boundaries of both the District and the District Service Area.

We invite you to nominate yourself or others for consideration as a trustee. please provide the following:

  1. Letter of interest (250 words or less)
  2. Resume or a list of work and/or personal experience that you believe makes you a strong board candidate
  3. Three references who know your qualifications and support you serving as a trustee of a hospital governing board


Please label your nomination "personal and confidential" and send to: 

Bernie Dochnahl c/o Valley Board of Trustees
Valley Medical Center 
M/S VMC 1-019 
400 South 43rd Street
Box 50010
Renton, WA  98058-5010


Tim Dellit, MD
Interim President, UW Medicine Hospitals & Clinics
University of Washington
1959 Pacific Street, Box 356350
Seattle, WA 98195-6350

Should you have additional questions about the qualifications sought, the role of trustees or other questions, Kim Nett, Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees will be available to assist you and/or direct you to the best person at UW Medicine to answer your questions.


Trustee Role FAQ's

Q1: Who serves on the Valley Medical Center (VMC) Board of Trustees?

A: Under the strategic alliance agreement, all current Public Hospital District No. 1 commissioners are entitled to serve, as well as five trustees who reside within the District Service Area, at least three of whom must also reside within the boundaries of the District. In addition, the board includes two current or former trustees of the UW Medicine Board or a board of one of the other component entities within UW Medicine. The President of UW Medicine or their designee also serves on the board.

Q2: What is the role of a trustee on the VMC Board of Trustees?

A: The board of trustees of a hospital is responsible for oversight of all aspects of a hospital’s operation—for example, establishing policy, maintaining quality patient care, providing for institutional management and planning, and ensuring compliance with the law. The board does not manage the hospital or deliver patient care. In carrying out these responsibilities, each of the trustees will have fiduciary duties and the duty to act in good faith, with reasonable care, in a manner believed to be in the best interests of VMC, and not for personal benefit. Each trustee must discharge faithfully and honestly their duties and perform strictly and impartially to the best of their ability.

Each trustee must sign a conflict-of-interest form, as well as comply with UW Medicine's Policy on Professional Conduct, the Ethics in Public Service Act, RCW Chapter 42.52 and RCW Chapter 42.20 and all other duties and obligations owed by a public officer under the laws of the state of Washington.

Q3: What are desirable characteristics in a trustee?

A: The role of a trustee of a hospital carries great responsibility. The Washington State Hospital Association provides governance resources to hospital members and their trustees and suggests the following desirable characteristics in a hospital trustee:

  • A commitment to the hospital and the community the hospital serves;
  • Observing high standards of integrity;
  • Preparing for each Board meeting by studying the agenda and supporting information;
  • Attending the entire Board meeting(s);
  • Participating in Board meetings with their comments;
  • Carrying out committee and Board assignments;
  • Publicly supporting Board actions even if they do not agree with the decision;
  • Having some knowledge about hospitals and healthcare;
  • Prior board of trustee experience;
  • Attending continuing education programs; and
  • Avoiding real or perceived conflicts of interest.

Q4: What is the deadline to nominate an individual for consideration as a trustee?

A: Individuals have until December 31 to submit nominations for community trustee terms, which begin July 1. Nominations are also accepted on a rolling basis as mid-term vacancies become available. So, if you're interested, apply today!

Q5: What is the term of the new trustees?

A: All new and re‐appointed trustees serve four-year terms.

Q6: What is the expected time commitment?

A: It is expected that a trustee might spend up to 20 hours per month in board and board committee meetings in addition to an initial orientation, annual retreat, educational opportunities and inservice opportunities. Service as an officer of the board may entail a greater time commitment. At a minimum, it is likely that a Board member will spend 6 hours a month in board meetings.

Q7: When will nominees be notified and what is the process?

A: The appointment process is a rolling process. The Valley Board of Trustees conducts an orientation and security process for prospective nominees that come to their attention when an opening on the Valley Board becomes available.

After meeting with potential candidates who can use their time to ask questions and decide if they wish to have their name submitted to UW Medicine, the rest of the process for selecting a Community Trustee will occur in a manner consistent with the Strategic Alliance Agreement between Public Hospital District No. 1 and the University of Washington.


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